Reviews Coming Soon

Hello Everyone, The few people that actually follow my blog.
first things first i would appreciate all the support , if you could share with family or friends, fellow bloggers or anyone you would think finds interest in what i blog about that would be amazing!
2) i would like to become a more frequent blogger so hopefully there should be more to come!
3) i have watched a few films recently : Thor: The Dark World 
                                                              The Lego Movie
I would like to know which of them you would like to see me review next , and also if you interested in hearing me blog about topics such as my life story, current politics, interests, older films , hobbies etc.

Thank You so much for reading!

Luke Kirk.

Prison break:Part One

So I’m coming towards the end of season 2 of Prison Break and I’m finding it a story I just can’t break away from. I  Heard before I started watching that when it came to the second season it just gets boring because they spend 22 episodes running-yet I found myself thinking the complete opposite, I found the constant running and change in narrative a thrilling viewing experience that kept pulling at me to watch more because I just didn’t know how different the next episode would be from the previous.
Starting with the first series I found that as the story progressed so did my interest due to digging out more information on each character , which was done by the vital and very well done emotional attachment created with the characters, with a minimal and flashback style entry into the characters life you find working them out a mystery, you may find yourself hating them-then bam, one episode your given a key price of information which just completely changes your perspective on the character-I found this when I began to hate the character of “C-Note” he started as a leading group thug helping Michael obtain medicine yet as the story moves on you find out he was wrongly discharged from service for fighting the system, and that his life revolves around his daughter and wife.
Because of this you find the group formed to escape the Fox river prison almost as a type of a-team , rogue fighters fighting for what they want the most , family ,love, a wantedness of a woman’s love in the case of ‘T-Bag’ (who is a very hard character to like) but that’s what’s exactly perfect about prison break-they mix the good and the bad in a group of freedom fighters making it hard to pick favourites so instead you favour convicts as a whole over the law.
I’m going to end this short talk but there will be more to my Prison Break views because I have so much to talk about , do instead of throwing it all in at once I’ll split it into parts.

My Prison Break rating so far 8.5/10

Happy Reading.



Film-Pacific Rim(May Contain Spoilers )

My first topic I would like to talk about is the recent realease of “Pacific Rim”.
I thouroughly enjoyed the 2 hours and 11 minutes I spent watching the film, even with the cheesy dramatics and outrageous story – because the special effects were just spectacular.
It’s found a recurring rule in modern film is good actors/content – many a good story but when you’re bringing a marvel of special effects the actors and content don’t need to be as glorified, However I did enjoy watching Charlie Hunnam appear on the big screen after many years of acting.
In first saw Charlie Hunnam in “Green Street” then “Children Of Men” the playing the main role in “Sons Of Anarchy” which was amazing to watch , so as an actor I enjoy watching Charlie’s acting style progress.
Coming back to the film though I do think the acting was what it could be, with the characters them selves(through no fault of the actors) to be almost desperate to create emotion which doesn’t quite capture, even with the scene when Charlie’s brother is ripped out and killed still in drift you dont find yourself feeling saddened because the emotion wasn’t there.
However emotion aside I think aesthetically the film was gorgeous and the special effects were really something to boast about, the sharp and crispness of the close ups and the detailed destruction in the fight scenes created a dangerously good looking effect similar to the fight scenes in the transformer scenes (will never be as good though) 😛
To sum the film up in my first short blog I can say even though the story was lacking and didnt grab that emotional tie with the characters that I like to see in films, the special effect made up for the slackness of story and hit back with a beautiful viewing experience.

If you’re looking for a hard hitting drama then this isn’t for you, but if you want an action packed special effect marvel with no care of a story then I reccommend this film.

